Security Adviser Calls Troop Increase McChrystal’s Opinion -- New York Times
President Obama’s national security adviser, Gen. James L. Jones, said on Sunday that a recommendation to send another 40,000 American troops to Afghanistan was just one part of a review of overall strategy that included such factors as a larger role for the Pakistani military and the integrity of the recent Afghan elections.
“It would be a mistake to underestimate the importance of other elements of the strategy,” General Jones said in an appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” General Jones offered no endorsement of a recommendation by Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the top American commander in Afghanistan, to add another 40,000 troops on top of the 68,000 Americans already deployed there. At one point he described Gen. McChrystal’s recommendation as “his opinion” of “what he thinks his role within that strategy is.” The comments by General Jones seemed to expose the debate within the Obama administration on committing more troops.
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More News From The U.S. National Security Adviser Gen. James L. Jones
Taliban return to power unlikely - White House aide -- Reuters
Top US adviser doesn't see Taliban returning to power -- AFP
Jones Sidesteps McChrystal Dilemma -- Wall Street Journal
National Security Jones -- CBS Face The Nation
National Security Adviser: Afghanistan Not In 'Imminent Danger Of Falling' -- TPM
Obama adviser: Afghanistan gov't must do better -- AP
Jones pushes back at McChrystal -- Politico
My Comment: Wow .... I get a lot of information on the war in Afghanistan from multiple sources .... National Security Advisor Gen. Jones has just contradicted everyone that I know.
Now .... he must have intelligence information that I do not have .... or .... (I will let you fill in the blank).