From the Washington Post:
For up to four hours a day, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-proclaimed mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, can sit outside in the Caribbean sun and chat through a chain-link fence with the detainee in the neighboring exercise yard at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Mohammed can also use that time to visit a media room to watch movies of his choice, read newspapers and books, or play handheld electronic games. He and other detainees have access to elliptical machines and stationary bikes.
At Guantanamo, such recreational activities interrupt an otherwise bleak existence, according to a Pentagon report of conditions at Camp 7, which houses 16 high-value detainees. But even those privileges may soon vanish.
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My Comment: This is a bizarre article from the Washington Post. If the title is true, it is implying that the U.S. prison system is "severe", and that serious offenders will have to live in a "draconian" environment if transferred to the U.S.
My answer to that is .... so what. These inmates have been openly boastful in the murder of thousands .... but the idea that they now enjoy "visiting a media room to watch movies of their choice, read newspapers and books, or play handheld electronic games as well as having access to elliptical machines and stationary bikes" .... my reaction to this is take this away, and make them live 23 hours a day, seven days a week in a small cell.
If bringing them back to the U.S. will make this happen, I say bring them back here.
Unfortunately, our legal system is so geared to protect these people, a good number of them will probably be released because of insufficient evidence. This was the original reason for opening Guantanamo Bay Prison .... to keep these Jihadists in jail. The original planners of Guantanamo understood that bringing them to the U.S. will only give them the opportunity to escape justice by using a legal system that is not structured to handle cases like this .... but the original advocates for Guantanamo are now gone and President Obama and his Justice Department have a different point of view .... from my point of view I can only hope that President Obama and Attorney General holder are right.