Bretschneider, who was reelected in a landslide in 2004, has encountered numerous problems over the past six years, including a $15,000 fine from the state Office of Campaign and Political Finance for failing to disclose expenditures in a timely manner, using public employees in fundraising and receiving political contribution in a government building. Bretschneider was also fined by the state Ethics Commission for misusing his authority while pursuing the purchase of a Cape Verdean family's home on Cherry Street; he was arrested by Nantucket police for violating a restraining order filed against him by his ex-wife; purchased assault weapons that he was not trained or authorized to use; and continually squabbled with town and county officials over his budget. [More]Another "lawman" breaking the law.
If he was an "Only One" at the time of the restraining order, does that mean it did not "legally" disqualify him from firearms for the duration, as it would you or me?
I also like the way squabbling with officials is considered an offense worthy of being on the list with the rest.
[Via Kurt Hofmann]