Gates To War Strategy Leakers: STFU -- The Danger Room
When Defense Secretary Bob Gates wanted to overhaul the Pentagon’s budget earlier this year, he took the unprecedented step on making everyone involved sign non-disclosure agreements. His staff set up an exclusive reading room for the financial documents. Only top-ranking generals—four stars—were allowed inside, and they weren’t permitted to take the briefings out. In meetings, the CIA-chief-turned-Pentagon-leader wouldn’t say outright what he wanted to do with a given program; aides were forced to keep a running ledger of what they thought Gates would decide. It was a little cumbersome, but it meant no one could blab to Congress or to a blogger, and start a rear-guard action against the budget.
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Update: Shut Up, Gates Says Again -- DoD Buzz
My Comment: Sec. of Defense Gates was able to keep his budget decisions secret because he was able to run his office the way that he wanted to. The White House and the Situation Room is an entirely different world .... in which politics and developing contacts is far more important than keeping secrets.