The amount spent by U.S. government agencies to classify information rose $1.2 billion to $11.36 billion last year, but the estimate leaves out key intelligence operations.
The Information Security Oversight Office’s (ISOO) 2011 cost report discloses a 12 percent increase from 2010 for the security classification systems of 41 executive branch agencies, including the Department of Defense (DoD).
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More News On Increases In The Cost To Classify US Secrets
Cost to Protect U.S. Secrets Doubles to Over $11 Billion -- New York Times
US spent $11bn - and the rest - to protect secrets last year -- Sydney Morning Herald
The High Cost of Secrecy to American Taxpayers -- AllGov
Financial Costs of Classification Soar -- Secrecy News
Government Secrecy Costing Even More Money These Days -- Mother Jones
Protecting US secrets costs taxpayers big bucks -- InfoSecurity