Almost 4 Years after Near Fatal Attack, a Much Different Iraq -- CBS News
BAGHDAD, Iraq—What a difference three-and-a-half years makes. Last time I was here, I left unconscious on a stretcher, after our team and the 4th Infantry Division patrol we were following walked into an ambush – a wall of burning shrapnel from a five-hundred pound car bomb. It left four of us dead.
It was May 29, 2006, and the U.S. military was scrambling to come up with a new strategy to stem Shiite-on-Sunni violence (and vice versa) that was sliding the country into near-civil war, leavened by al Qaeda attacks that hit Iraqi and U.S. targets with equal opportunity, just to keep the malevolence going.
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My Comment: It has been 3 1/2 years already?!?!?! It seems like only yesterday that I saw the news on how close Kimberly Dozier came to being killed from a car bomb.
Sighhhh .... time is passing by very quickly.