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Iran Enriches Nuclear Fuel, Says IAEA -- Wall Street Journal
The United Nations' nuclear watchdog said it has information suggesting Iran may be working to build a nuclear warhead, an assessment that could escalate the U.S. and other Western governments' confrontation with Iran over its nuclear activities.
The International Atomic Energy Agency, a Vienna-based U.N. body, said in a confidential report Thursday that Iran has impeded agency efforts to establish the true purpose of Tehran's nuclear program.
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More News On Iran's Nuclear Program
Watchdog: Iran may be working on nuclear warhead -- CNN
IAEA fears Iran working now on nuclear warhead -- Reuters
I.A.E.A. Suspects Iranian Nuclear Weapons Activity -- New York Times
IAEA says secret Iranian research could be aimed at nuclear weapons -- Washington Post
Iran could be making nuclear warhead, says director of UN watchdog -- The Guardian
UN accuses Iran of working to build nuclear bomb -- The Telegraph
US voices concern after Iran 'warhead' report -- Voice of America
U.S. says concerned over Iran after IAEA report -- Reuters
WH on Iran nuclear report: Iran behavior "very disturbing" -- Politico
Obama Administration: Report Shows Iran More Determined Than Ever to Build Nuclear Weapon -- ABC News
U.S. says Iran facing many nuclear technical problems -- Reuters