Megrahi: The latest disclosure will incense many of the relatives of those who died in the bomb blast in December 1988 Photo: AFP
Lockerbie Bomber Megrahi Living In Luxury Villa Six Months After Being At 'Death's Door' -- The Telegraph
The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing is living with his family in a luxury villa in Libya six months after he was released from jail on compassionate grounds because he had less than three months to live.
Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, who is suffering from terminal prostate cancer, no longer receives hospital treatment after ending the course of chemotherapy that he had been given after returning to his homeland last August.
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My Comment: Every day that this convicted mass murderer enjoys his freedom .... a light is shined on the corrupt and immoral UK/Scottish Justice system and the leadership that set him be freed.
And the British Government wonders why the US Government holds them in disdain?