TAMPA, Florida (Reuters) - A military strike on Iran could have the unintended consequence of stirring nationalist sentiment to the benefit of Tehran's hard-line government, U.S. General David Petraeus told Reuters.
Iran's June election gave President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a second term but sparked the worst internal crisis in the Islamic Republic's history, putting internal pressure on a government already facing the threat of more sanctions over its nuclear program.
Read more ....
US ups the ante in Iran nuclear game -- Asia Times
US official charges Iran keeping military option -- Press TV
Iran's Defiance Spurs Rise In U.S. Military Defenses -- Wall Street Journal
US raises tensions with Iran by selling anti-missile systems -- Times Online
Is US Gulf missile move defensive or aggressive? -- BBC News
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Iran's June election gave President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a second term but sparked the worst internal crisis in the Islamic Republic's history, putting internal pressure on a government already facing the threat of more sanctions over its nuclear program.
Read more ....
More News On The U.S. Response And Reaction To Iran's Growing Nuclear Program
US ups the ante in Iran nuclear game -- Asia Times
US official charges Iran keeping military option -- Press TV
Iran's Defiance Spurs Rise In U.S. Military Defenses -- Wall Street Journal
US raises tensions with Iran by selling anti-missile systems -- Times Online
Is US Gulf missile move defensive or aggressive? -- BBC News
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More News On The U.S. Response And Reaction To Iran's Growing Nuclear Program
US ups the ante in Iran nuclear game -- Asia Times
US official charges Iran keeping military option -- Press TV
Iran's Defiance Spurs Rise In U.S. Military Defenses -- Wall Street Journal
US raises tensions with Iran by selling anti-missile systems -- Times Online
Is US Gulf missile move defensive or aggressive? -- BBC News
At last Barack Obama is waking up to the threat posed by Iran -- ConCoughlin, the Telegraph
My Comment: General Petraeus has a point. An attack on Iran will result in Iran's Persian community "circling the wagons" and confronting any opponents. While many in Iran would probably welcome a blow against the Tehran regime, they are a minority and wield little if any influence in the government, media, and general population.