Asked to Confirm Military Is Ready for Iran Strike, Panetta Says Pentagon Has Plans for Everything -- ABC News
During an interview for “This Week,” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta assured me that the United States has readied plans to carry out a military strike on Iran to prevent the regime from obtaining nuclear weapons if diplomacy fails to dissuade the country from its current path.
“One of the things that we do at the Defense Department, Jake, is plan. And we have – we have plans to be able to implement any contingency we have to in order to defend ourselves,” Panetta said.
Read more ....
Update #1: Panetta: U.S. is Ready to Stop Iran from Creating Nuclear Weapons -- National Journal
Update #2: Panetta: Military option against Iran ready and available -- Jerusalem Post
Update #3: Uh Oh: As Iran Nears Nuke Capabilities, Panetta Says U.S. is Ready to Stop Them -- Town Hall
My Comment: His comments are not a surprise .... he has to maintain the pressure on Iran .... Unfortunately .... Iran is not listening.