Biden: 'Nothing Off the Table' After Iran D.C. Terror Plot -- Good Morning America
Vice President Joe Biden said today that "nothing has been taken off the table" when it comes to the U.S. response to an alleged plot by Iran to assassinate the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the U.S. and unleash deadly terrorist bombings in Washington, D.C.
"It is an outrageous act that the Iranians are going to have to be held accountable," Biden told ABC News' "Good Morning America". "This is really over the top."
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More News On The Iranian Terror Plot Against The Saudi Arabia And Israel Embassies In Washington DC
Iran leader ‘mastermind’ of alleged plot -- Financial Times
US alleges Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador: How it unfolded. -- Christian Science Monitor
Iran to be 'held accountable' for assassination plot, says Joe Biden -- The Telegraph
U.S. Accuses Iran in Plot -- Wall Street Journal
Iranians charged in US over plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador -- The Guardian
Iran behind alleged terrorist plot, U.S. says -- Washington Post
U.S. accuses Iran of plot to kill Saudi ambassador -- L.A. Times
Iran agents 'planned US terror attacks' -- BBC
US diplomats laying out alleged Iran plot to foreign governments, UN Security Council members -- Washington Post
U.S. aims to "unite the world" against Iran -- CBS/AP
Saudi Arabia: Iran Must Pay for Alleged Plot -- Voice of America
Obama urged to expel Iranian diplomats after D.C. terror plot foiled -- Washington Times
Iran rejects U.S. plot claim as "childish" -- CBS/AP
Iran dismisses US murder-plot claim -- Al Jazeera
Friend: Suspect in ambassador plot 'no mastermind' -- Yahoo News/AP
Iran denies U.S. claims over its alleged plot to assassinate Saudi ambassador -- Xinhuanet
Questions abound over Iran "plot" to kill Saudi envoy -- Reuters
Alleged plot is uncharacteristically bold -- Washington Post
Analysis: Alleged plot deals new blow to Iran nuclear diplomacy -- Reuters
Is Exposure of a Direct Iranian Plot to Launch Terror Attacks in Washington DC A Turning Point? -- Barry Rubin, Pajamas Media
What Iran’s alleged terror plot tells us -- By David Ignatius, Washington Post