With Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov at her side, the secretary of State reproaches Moscow for building and fueling the plant without assurances on weaponry. Lavrov stands his ground.
Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton had barely arrived in Moscow for nuclear arms and Mideast talks when tensions over Iran flared up publicly Thursday.
Meeting reporters alongside her Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Clinton reproached Moscow for building and fueling a nuclear power plant in Iran. Tehran is not entitled to generate nuclear energy for civilian purposes, Clinton said pointedly, until it puts to rest suspicion that it is secretly pursuing a nuclear weapons program.
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Russia and US clash over Iran nuclear plant -- The Telegraph
US, Russia clash over Iran's nuclear power station -- The Age
Iran Dispute Becomes Focus of Clinton’s Russia Trip -- New York Times
US, Russia clash over startup of Iran nuke plant -- AP
Clinton Criticizes Russia Over Iranian Nuclear Plant -- RTT News
Iran’s atomic ambitions cause impasse at disarmament talks -- Times Online
U.S., Russia on brink of arms reduction treaty: Clinton -- Washington Post/Reuters
Meeting reporters alongside her Russian counterpart, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, Clinton reproached Moscow for building and fueling a nuclear power plant in Iran. Tehran is not entitled to generate nuclear energy for civilian purposes, Clinton said pointedly, until it puts to rest suspicion that it is secretly pursuing a nuclear weapons program.
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More News On U.S. - Russian Relations
Russia and US clash over Iran nuclear plant -- The Telegraph
US, Russia clash over Iran's nuclear power station -- The Age
Iran Dispute Becomes Focus of Clinton’s Russia Trip -- New York Times
US, Russia clash over startup of Iran nuke plant -- AP
Clinton Criticizes Russia Over Iranian Nuclear Plant -- RTT News
Iran’s atomic ambitions cause impasse at disarmament talks -- Times Online
U.S., Russia on brink of arms reduction treaty: Clinton -- Washington Post/Reuters
Russia and US clash over Iran nuclear plant -- The Telegraph
US, Russia clash over Iran's nuclear power station -- The Age
Iran Dispute Becomes Focus of Clinton’s Russia Trip -- New York Times
US, Russia clash over startup of Iran nuke plant -- AP
Clinton Criticizes Russia Over Iranian Nuclear Plant -- RTT News
Iran’s atomic ambitions cause impasse at disarmament talks -- Times Online
U.S., Russia on brink of arms reduction treaty: Clinton -- Washington Post/Reuters
Clinton Says Russia, U.S. On 'Brink' Of New Arms Treaty -- Radio Free Europe
U.S., Russia on Brink Of Arms Reduction Treaty: Clinton -- New York Times
Clinton, Putin to Hold First Meeting Friday -- Moscow Times
US, Russia clash over Iran's nuclear power station -- The Age
Iran Dispute Becomes Focus of Clinton’s Russia Trip -- New York Times
US, Russia clash over startup of Iran nuke plant -- AP
Clinton Criticizes Russia Over Iranian Nuclear Plant -- RTT News
Iran’s atomic ambitions cause impasse at disarmament talks -- Times Online
U.S., Russia on brink of arms reduction treaty: Clinton -- Washington Post/Reuters
Clinton Says Russia, U.S. On 'Brink' Of New Arms Treaty -- Radio Free Europe
U.S., Russia on Brink Of Arms Reduction Treaty: Clinton -- New York Times
Clinton, Putin to Hold First Meeting Friday -- Moscow Times