Somali pirates have hijacked a ship some 1,800km (1,100 miles) from their bases - closer to India than Africa, the EU naval force says.
Cdr John Harbour said the attack, on a Turkish-owned ship, marked a major increase in the pirates' range.
He said the EU force had launched a new strategy which was pushing the pirate gangs further afield.
Somalia has been riven by civil war and unrest since 1991, allowing the pirates relative impunity.
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More News on Somali Piracy
Hijackings of ships to increase -- China Daily
Naval presence cuts regional piracy by half -- Emirates Business
Somalian piracy - A grave concern for all nations -- Economic Times
Somali piracy ups shipping costs -- East African Business Week
Pirates Watch: The road to perdition -- Foreign Policy
In a Failed State: Origins of Somali Piracy -- The Street
We don't care about mercy, we just want the money: Exclusive interview with yacht couple's pirate captors -- Mail Online