US Russia Nuclear Deal Worries Some In Moscow -- Christian Science Monitor
A US Russia nuclear deal on reducing their arsenals has received global praise. But some in Russia worry that President Medvedev may have allowed too much leeway for the US to develop missile defense systems.
A sweeping new bargain to slash the offensive nuclear arsenals of Russia and the US – what they used to call the "balance of terror" – appears almost ready for Presidents Dmitry Medvedev and Barack Obama to sign.
Unofficial sources say the signing may take place as early as April 8, in Prague, Czech Republic, the venerable eastern European capital in which Mr. Obama launched his campaign for a nuclear weapons-free world just one year ago.
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My Comment: They are worried in Moscow?!?!?! .... hell .... I am worried and I am not in Moscow. But until the full and final draft is released, I will still (cough cough) withhold judgment.