Chatham cop accused of forgetting loaded gun on sidewalk while drunk and off duty [More]Now hold on just a damn second here--I thought it was well-settled that New Jersey "Only Ones" were more trustworthy than the rest of us when it comes to bearing arms. That must be why no charges were filed and the incident wasn't publicly reported.
And thank goodness for this silver lining:
There is no indication he is not able to continue on the job.You go, Sgt. Roy George!
It's a confidential personnel matter, you see. It goes back to that "Only Ones" thingie again, for those of you who just don't get why you'd be in the slammer right now with all kinds of scary throwbacks, and looking to deplete whatever worldly wealth you've accumulated trying to minimize the punishment.
I don't know who the caller is who turned it in is, but I hope they stomp him for unauthorized--and illegal--handling and possession of a concealed handgun to the full extent of the law.
Anybody dumb enough not to keep it deserves whatever he gets.