Obama: We Won't Be In Afghanistan 'In Perpetuity' -- USA Today
President Obama has re-affirmed his pledge to begin pulling out of Afghanistan in mid-2011, saying "we can't be there in perpetuity."
Obama also told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. he disputes the notion that the war in Afghanistan is getting worse.
"I do think that what we have seen is a blunting of the momentum of the Taliban, which had been building up in the year prior to me taking office," Obama said during the interview, designed in part to preview his visit to Australia in June.
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Obama on Afghan: We can't be there in perpetuity -- AP
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Nato troops pull out of flashpoint Taliban valley -- BBC
American forces withdraw from Afghan valley -- Washington Post
US forces leave Afghanistan's Korengal Valley -- AP
Daily brief: U.S. pulls out of perilous Afghan valley -- Foreign Policy
NATO Troops Leave Eastern Afghanistan Valley -- Voice of America
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U.S. doubles anti-Taliban special forces -- L.A. Times
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AP Interview: Karzai Brother Mends Ties With US -- New York Times/AP
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German minister in Afghanistan to back mission -- AP
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