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Gates Says U.S. Has Conventionally Armed ICBMs -- Defense Tech
Yesterday, on NBC’s Meet the Press, Defense Secretary Robert Gates may have revealed the existence of a new weapon in America’s arsenal, a conventionally-armed ICBM. It was thought development and deployment of conventionally tipped ICBMs was still years away; a prototype is scheduled for a test flight next month.
Responding to a question from NBC’s David Gregory on the ability to deter nuclear armed rogue states, Gates said: “We have, in addition to the nuclear deterrent today, a couple of things we didn’t have in the Soviet days… And we have prompt global strike affording us some conventional alternatives on long-range missiles that we didn’t have before.”
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My Comment: The comments by Sec. of Defense Gates on Prompt Global Strike occurs at the 15:40 mark in the Meet the Press Interview. His remarks are surprising .... I was always under the impression that this program was in the development and testing level .... not in the implementation and operational level. If true .... this is a very dangerous development.
More News On Conventionally Armed ICBMs and Prompt Global Strike
Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons -- OpEdNews
U.S. looks to nonnuclear weapons to use as deterrent -- Washington Post
US moves from nuclear arms to conventional missiles with global reach -- The Independent
Prompt Global Strike: World Military Superiority Without Nuclear Weapons --
Moscow alarmed over prospect of long-range missiles -- Sydney Morning Herald
The New START Treaty does not contain any constraints on current or planned U.S. conventional prompt global strike capability. -- U.S. Department of Defense