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China's Troubling Friendship With N. Korea -- Fred Hiatt, Washington Post
Fresh from sinking a South Korean navy ship and taking the lives of 46 mostly young sailors, North Korean leader Kim Jong Il hopped on his private armored train last week for a friendly visit to his enablers in Beijing.
Is that a harsh interpretation of events? Yes; nuances and caveats to follow. But it's also an interpretation that best fits the available facts -- and it raises questions about the Obama administration's enduring hope (like the hope of the Bush administration before it) for China's help in constraining not only North Korea but also Iran and other bad actors around the world.
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China Prefers Devil It Knows -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Why Pakistan keeps exporting jihad -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
Big trouble in little Mesopotamia -- Rodger Shanahan, The Interpreter
Why You Care About Britain’s Hung Parliament -- Tobin Harshaw, New York Times
Obama on track on foreign policy -- Warren Christopher, L.A. Times
Fixing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty -- New York Times editorial
The Times Square bomb failed. What will we do when the next bomb works? -- Richard A. C
Is that a harsh interpretation of events? Yes; nuances and caveats to follow. But it's also an interpretation that best fits the available facts -- and it raises questions about the Obama administration's enduring hope (like the hope of the Bush administration before it) for China's help in constraining not only North Korea but also Iran and other bad actors around the world.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
China Prefers Devil It Knows -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Why Pakistan keeps exporting jihad -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
Big trouble in little Mesopotamia -- Rodger Shanahan, The Interpreter
Why You Care About Britain’s Hung Parliament -- Tobin Harshaw, New York Times
Obama on track on foreign policy -- Warren Christopher, L.A. Times
Fixing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty -- New York Times editorial
The Times Square bomb failed. What will we do when the next bomb works? -- Richard A. C
China Prefers Devil It Knows -- Richard Weitz, The Diplomat
Why Pakistan keeps exporting jihad -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
Big trouble in little Mesopotamia -- Rodger Shanahan, The Interpreter
Why You Care About Britain’s Hung Parliament -- Tobin Harshaw, New York Times
Obama on track on foreign policy -- Warren Christopher, L.A. Times
Fixing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty -- New York Times editorial
The Times Square bomb failed. What will we do when the next bomb works? -- Richard A. Clarke, Washington Post
Obama's good luck terrorism strategy -- Washington Times editorial
Is China Headed for a Crash? -- Philip Bowring, New York Times
Plus Ça Change: Seventy years ago, the Nazis conquered France. Since then, the country has changed less than you might think. -- David A. Bell, Newsweek
Why Pakistan keeps exporting jihad -- Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post
Big trouble in little Mesopotamia -- Rodger Shanahan, The Interpreter
Why You Care About Britain’s Hung Parliament -- Tobin Harshaw, New York Times
Obama on track on foreign policy -- Warren Christopher, L.A. Times
Fixing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty -- New York Times editorial
The Times Square bomb failed. What will we do when the next bomb works? -- Richard A. Clarke, Washington Post
Obama's good luck terrorism strategy -- Washington Times editorial
Is China Headed for a Crash? -- Philip Bowring, New York Times
Plus Ça Change: Seventy years ago, the Nazis conquered France. Since then, the country has changed less than you might think. -- David A. Bell, Newsweek