How Are Things Going In Afghanistan? A Pentagon Report Says: Not Well -- Slate
Hamid Karzai has gone back to Afghanistan, and so the denizens of the Pentagon's E Ring and Foggy Bottom's seventh floor can drop their strained smiles and resume biting away at their fingernails.
Things in that unhappy country are going badly—much worse, of course, than Team Obama had to pretend this week but quite a bit worse than even a sensible skeptic might think. And unless Karzai takes to heart the lectures he heard (someone must have given him a stern talking-to amid all the bonhomie), things are only going to get worse still.
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My Comment: Bottom line .... the surge is not working. What is worse is that it appears that most Afghans now want us out .... a prospect that was not the case a few years ago.
Can this situation be changed around .... regrettably .... I have to so no. Afghan culture and tradition will not change because of a hundred thousand U.S. troops and hundreds of billions of dollars .... they are what they are and we will have to accept the reality that they will not change because of our wishes and/or strategic objectives.
The full Pentagon report is here.