NATO Chopper Downed By RPG Fire, Report Finds -- L.A. Times
A Chinook helicopter crash in Afghanistan in August that killed 38 U.S. and Afghan troops, including 17 Navy Seals, was caused by rocket-propelled grenade fire from Taliban fighters, not by any tactical mistakes by the special operations task force commanding the operation, a U.S military investigation concluded.
As the CH-47 helicopter was descending to a landing zone in Wardak province, it was struck by an RPG, which sheared off a rear rotor blade and caused the craft to plummet 150 feet into a dry creek bed, where it exploded in a large fireball and killed everyone aboard, Brig Gen. Jeffrey N. Colt, who conducted the investigation, found.
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My Comment: Bottom line .... it was a lucky shot that brought down this helicopter. There is more info here.