Majority of Americans Believe Future of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Should be Left Up to Military Commanders, Zogby Poll Finds -- CNS News
( – Fifty-nine (59) percent of Americans think military leaders, rather than Congress, should be making the decision about the military policy on homosexuality, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Family Research Center.
The Zogby International telephone survey, which was conducted May 17, asked 2,063 people: "As pertains to homosexuals openly serving in the military, do you believe this decision is best made by military leaders or Congress?"
Only 21 percent said Congress should make the decision -- and 18 percent answered neither or "not sure."
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My Comment: As to where do military leaders stand on this issue .... Secretary of Defense Gates is for the repeal (see above video), but the Chiefs of Navy, Army, Air Force, and Marines oppose DADT repeal.