Army Discharges Lt. Dan Choi, Gay Soldier And Critic Of Military's 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy -- New York Daily News
Lt. Dan Choi, the gay soldier whose become the chief critic of the military's "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, said Thursday he's been booted by the Pentagon.
Choi, an Iraq war veteran and West Point grad, found no honor in the honorable discharged he got from the Army.
"After 11 years since beginning my journey at West Point and after 17 months of serving openly as an infantry officer this is both an infuriating and painful announcement," said Choi, of Manhattan.
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My Comment: With a tight election cycle expected for November, many in Washington do not want this to be an issue front and center with their constituents. Lt. Dan Choi was one of the most vocal in wanting to repeal DADT .... therefore his dismissal was only a matter of time ... and better now instead of October/November.