The Wikileaks Document Dump Changes Nothing -- Foreign Policy
So what to make of the WikiLeaks story? First of all, it covers a period of several years; and there is no doubt that the United States and NATO didn't get everything right in all of those years, especially from 2004 to 2007. The two big stories -- ISI's fishing in troubled Afghan waters, and the deaths of civilians -- are not really news at all.
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More Commentaries, Opinions, And Analysis On The Impact Of Wikileaks On The Afghan War
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on the 'War Logs': 'I Enjoy Crushing Bastards' -- Spiegel Online
WikiLeaks Should Be Afpak Game-Changer -- Leslie Gelb, The Daily Beast
Impact of Leaked WikiLeaks Docs Still Uncertain -- CBS News
Wikileaks, Insignificant -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
WikiCrimes -- IBD Editorial
WikiLeaks wasn't wrong -- Los Angeles Times editorial
Wikileaks reveal the dangers of Afghanistan -- Eugene Robinson, Washington Post
There are no secrets if everyone has a security clearance -- Diana West, Washington Examiner
Assessing WikiLeaks's Raw Data -- Marc Ambinder, The Atlantic
The WikiLeaks Afghanistan leak -- Glen Greenwald, Slate
No real bombshells in Wikileak Afghan docs -- Rick Moran, American Thinker
Tim Pawlenty: WikiLeaks should not change Afghanistan plans -- Christian Science Monitor
Analysis: WikiLeaks fuels negative war debate for Obama -- Reuters
Julian Assange: Wikileaks founder is a hacker fighting for freedom of information -- Paul Peachey, The Independent
WikiLeaks and AfPak: What "Everyone" Knows -- James Fallows, The Atlantic
Open Secrets -- Hendrik Hertzberg, New Yorker
From WikiLeaks to the Killing Fields -- Bret Stephens, Wall Street Journal
Did Wikileaks Leaker Access Top Secret "Intelpedia?" -- CBS News
Opinion: WikiLeaks files will complicate war -- AC360 CNN
Wikileaks: Truth and its Consequences -- Macleans
Will Wikileaks’ Exposure Really Shift the Debate Over Afghanistan War? -- Alternet
Wikileaks war logs revelations will be far-reaching, say MPs -- The Guardian
Are the WikiLeaks War Docs Overhyped Old News? -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room
Exclusive: Massive 'War Log' Leak Wasn't Done Alone, Whistleblower Says -- ABC News
Pentagon Papers II? On WikiLeaks and the First Amendment -- Ashby Jones, Wall Street Journal
Who Leaked The WikiLeaks' Documents? -- Armchair Generalist
News you may have missed #400 (Wikileaks Afghan War Diary edition) -- Intel News