Army Secretary Faces Questions On WikiLeaks Scandal -- McClatchy News
WASHINGTON — Army Secretary John M. McHugh is still waiting to hear back on an inquiry he ordered into the WikiLeaks scandal — but that's not stopping lawmakers from focusing on the issue as he and other top Army officials make rounds on Capitol Hill.
Democrats and Republicans have asked this week why the compromise of information through Pfc. Bradley Manning, a 10th Mountain Division intelligence analyst who allegedly supplied information to WikiLeaks, did not set off more alarms at the Army and what consequences others in the service might face for the security breach.
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My Comment: The Wikileaks scandal has severely damaged U.S. foreign policy, particularly on how information is passed on confidentially. As a result, I am sure there are many who are now looking on who to pin the blame for this mess .... and with the leaker originally coming from the Army .... the Army is becoming the focus for this blame.