First Gitmo Trial Under Obama Poses Tough test For His 'Swift And 'Certain Justice' Pledge -- Politico
When the first military commission trial of Barack Obama’s presidency gets under way in a few weeks at Guantanamo Bay, the man in the dock won’t be the mastermind of Sept. 11 or some other capo in the Al Qaeda hierarchy.
Instead, it’s likely to be a prisoner first captured at age 15 — and held at Gitmo for nearly eight years, after a firefight in Afghanistan in which an American Army medic was killed and another U.S. soldier lost an eye.
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My Comment: This Politico article conveniently forgets the video that CBS 60 Minutes had shown last year showing a young Omar Khadr happily and cheerfully constructing and planting IEDs along civilian roads in Afghanistan. Bottom line .... this person is very dangerous, more so because of the experiences and knowledge that he learned from his father and his Al Qaeda friends when he was young.
As a Canadian, I have been exposed to this case through our news networks since he was captured. While many on the left and those who are against the criminalization of child soldiers have taken up his case in Canada .... many have also made it very clear that he is not wanted back in Canada .... the Canadian Government included.
I still expect him to eventually be expatriated back to Canada ..... where because of his disabilities (blind in one eye from the attack that killed an American medic) and his al Qaeda background ..... he will remain unemployed and dependent on the Canadian welfare system to sustain him until his last days.