'Modest Goal' Set For War -- Washington Times
Obama targets terrorists, forgoes nation-building.
The Obama administration and leading Democrats are dialing back expectations for the Afghanistan war, saying that their goal is to root out terrorists, not engage in a major nation-building project.
"Nobody thinks that Afghanistan is going to be a model Jeffersonian democracy," Mr. Obama said during an interview broadcast on CBS' "Sunday Morning" program.
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More News On Afghanistan
US officials say war goals modest in Afghanistan -- Yahoo News/AP
Obama: Goals In Afghanistan Attainable And Modest -- New York Times/Reuters
Obama says his 'modest' Afghan aims can be achieved -- AFP
Obama on Afghanistan: 'We now have a strategy that can work' -- USA Today
Gates Says U.S. Troops Not Vacating Afghanistan Next Year -- Radio Free Europe
Gates hints at a gradual Afghanistan drawdown -- L.A. Times
US: Afghan pullout to be limited -- Al Jazeera
Pelosi, Gates Diverge Over Afghanistan Troop Withdrawal -- FOX News
Dutch troops end Afghanistan deployment -- BBC
Dutch withdraw from Afghanistan -- Deutsche Welle
Dutch troops leave Afghanistan after four years -- AFP
Netherlands - first NATO member to leave Afghanistan -- Radio Netherlands
Critical U.S. battle begins in Afghanistan amid many doubts -- McClatchy News
Amid backdrop of uncertainty, crucial battle begins in southern Afghanistan -- Kansas City
New Afghanistan focus targets insurgents, not 'nation-building' -- Seattle Times/New York Times
U.S.-led coalition finds 'success' elusive in Kandahar -- McClatchy News
Irrigation project aims to help Kandahar thrive again -- L.A. Times
British troops continue Afghanistan push -- The Telegraph
Two British soldiers killed in Afghanistan -- The Guardian
Taliban don't have stinger missiles: Gates -- AFP
Targeted Killing Is New U.S. Focus in Afghanistan -- New York Times
US to build-up forces for push against Haqqani network: Gates -- Indian Express
Is the U.S. Presence in Afghanistan Worth It? -- CBS News
Kiss This War Goodbye -- Frank Rich, New York Times
Pentagon brass talk Afghan goals -- Politico