It's an article of faith among the liberal, open-minded, well-meaning, Davos-crowd intelligentsia: The leadership of the big global institutions -- the International Monetary Fund, the U.N. Security Council, the World Bank and the like -- must be opened up to emerging powers. The current structures reflect old post-World War II realities and no longer make sense. It's time to more fully include China, India, Brazil and other countries that are becoming dominant players in the 21st century.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Winding down the Iraq war, and avoiding civil war -- Irena L. Sargsyan, L.A. Times
A Dicey Moment For Iraq -- Michael O'Hanlon, National Interest
The Real Cost of the War in IraqWhat seven years of fighting has done to American society. -- Anne Applebaum, Slate
The Gulf war at 20; its lessons today -- Richard N. Haass, Daily Star
Fighting Corruption in Afghanistan -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
Rivalry Grows Between China's Top Leaders -- Willy Lam, Asia Sentinel
Chinese labor strife frames larger fight over ideology -- Japan Times/Sentaku Magazine
In Israel, Settling for Less -- Gadi Taub, New York Times
Obama's Foreign Policy Flies in the Face of Reason -- Lauri B. Regan, American Thinker
Five myths about mosques in America -- Edward E. Curtis IV, Washington Post
Plans and Benchmarks for Haiti -- New York Times editorial
Mexico needs U.S. help -- but not troops -- Andres Oppenheimer, Miami Herald