Fools Rush Into Tripoli -- Doug Bandow, National Interest
The ongoing war in Libya is not so much watching a train wreck, which can be serious, as viewing a rickshaw mishap. The participants might suffer some discomfort, but no lasting harm.
Every American president seems to start at least one war. George W. Bush initiated two conflicts. He was ill informed, impetuous, and foolish. The casualties and costs of his actions were catastrophic. But he addressed significant issues.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editors
Assad Stands Alone -- Henri J. Barkey, National Interest
Why Syria will get away with it -- Gideon Rachman, Business Spectator/Financial Times
Pakistan's double game. How US must play its cards -- Michael Walsh, New York Post
Why Pakistan’s Ship Is Sinking -- Arif Rafiq, The Diplomat
Attacks on Christians: Can Egypt Deal with Extremist Mobs? -- Abigail Hauslohner, Time
Reading Turkey’s Vote -- New York Times editorial
Prince of the Wagging Finger (Saudi - U.S. Relations) -- Richard Cohen, Real Clear World/Washington Post
Iran Without Nukes -- Roger Cohen, New York Times
The Economic Impact of the Arab Spring on the Region -- Nehad Ismail, Global Arab Network