How, When And Whether To End The War In Syria -- Kenneth M. Pollack, Washington Post
“The beginning of wisdom,” a Chinese saying goes, “is to call things by their right names.” And the right name for what is happening in Syria — and has been for more than a year — is an all-out civil war.
Syria is Lebanon of the 1970s and ’80s. It is Afghanistan, Congo or the Balkans of the 1990s. It is Iraq of 2005-2007. It is not an insurgency. It is not a rebellion. It is not Yemen. It is certainly not Egypt or Tunisia.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
War crimes by Syrian rebels must be condemned too -- Peter Beaumont, The Guardian
The tide of war is rising. What is Obama going to say? -- Peter Feaver, Foreign Policy
Hillary Clinton must insist on a united Syrian opposition -- Bilal Y. Saab, Christian Science Monitor
Time Is Short For Iran Diplomacy -- Michael Oren, Wall Street Journal
Why Yemen Isn't Afghanistan or Iraq -- John T. Bennett, US News and World Report
The Palestine Romney doesn’t know -- Zahi Khouri, Washington Post
Anger Mismanagement: Bahrain’s Crisis Escalates -- Elizabeth Dickinson, World Affairs
Why Japan is angry over South Korea's visit to an island -- Jason Strother, Christian Science Monitor
In China, a trial of leadership -- Washington Post editorial
Why Gu Kailai's trial lifted the veil on Chinese politics -- Jonathan Fenby, The Independent
West Africa 'ignoring underlying causes of hunger' -- David Blair, The Telegraph
Egypt’s scapegoat for the Sinai attack -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Sudan and South Sudan Make Progress -- New York Times editorial