How To End The Chaos In Syria (A Discussion) -- New York Times
The Assad regime continues to lose crucial support, most recently with the defection of the prime minister and other prominent Sunnis. Meanwhile, opposition factions inside the country continue to jockey for power, many of them financed by foreign entities that have their own agendas. And earlier this week Iran framed the unrest as part of a wider struggle fueled by the United States and “other hostile world powers.”
Some are already calling the conflict a civil war. What can be done to end the fighting, or at least contain it?
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Obama AWOL in Syria -- Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times
Taking the lead on Syria -- Ali Akbar Salehi, Washington Post
Unraveling the Syria Mess: A Crisis Simulation of Spillover from the Syrian Civil War -- Brookings
Getting around a dead-end in Syria -- Washington Post editorial
Fiasco in the Levant: Unless the United States gets serious now about its postwar planning, Syria could spin out of control. -- James Dobbins, Foreign Policy
Egypt's Sinai problem won't be solved with air strikes -- Fawaz Gerges, The Guardian
What Lies Ahead for Libya: An Interview with the Prime Minister -- Steven Sotloff, Time
NBC not telling the truth about the war in Afghanistan -- Ahmad Majidyar, AEI Ideas
Designating the Haqqani Network: New Constraints Moderating Pakistan’s Relationship with the U.S. -- Reza Jan, AEI Critical Threats
Superpower Denied? Why China’s ‘Rise’ May Have Already Peaked -- Minxin Pei, The Diplomat
The party will write the narrative for Ms. Gu – and for Nexen -- Charles Burton, Globe and Mail
China’s Trial of the Century -- Gordon G. Chang, World Affairs
Teddy bears and the tyrant of Belarus -- Dale McFeatters, Scripps Howard News Service/Newsday
Who will get top jobs in a Romney administration? -- Josh Rogin, Foreign Policy
The continuing financial crisis -- National Editorial