Tutu: End The Suffering In The Sudans -- Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Special to CNN
Editor's note: Archbishop Desmond Tutu is often described as South Africa's moral conscience and is a global champion for human rights. A passionate and compelling speaker, he took the anti-apartheid struggle to the world. In his own country, he led thousands of people in demonstrations, always preaching non-violence. In 1984 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, and later chaired South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine apartheid-era crimes. Archbishop Tutu is Chair of The Elders.
(CNN) -- In the coming days I will be in Juba and Khartoum, the capitals of South Sudan and Sudan.
My fellow Elders Martti Ahtisaari, Mary Robinson and I are going there to try to ensure that the terrible lessons of war are not forgotten -- and to share our hope that these two beautiful countries can find a path to peace. We will relay the world's fears of another deadly conflict that would shatter the hopes of both nations and the broader region. And we will tell the leaders that, while it will take time and patience, we believe -- as a result of our own experience -- that peace can be achieved.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Libyans have voted, but will the new rulers be able to curb violent militias? -- Patrick Cockburn, The Independent
Libya’s Unintended Consequences -- Ross Douthat, New York Times
Introducing the Taliban of Timbuktu -- John Metzler, The China Post
Is Manaf Tlass’s Defection a Sign That Assad’s Regime Is Cracking? -- Adam Garfinkle, The America Interest
Analysis: Syria options dwindling -- Elise Labott, CNN
Is Syria unsolvable? -- Aaron David Miller, Special to CNN
Fresh hope for an end to Syria’s pain -- Amir Taheri, New York Post
Reading Pakistan: By the Numbers -- Ilan Berman, Real Clear World
Analysts: U.S. has no choice but to deal with Islamic groups -- Jim Michaels, USA TODAY
The Next Afghan War: Could there be a hot war between Afghanistan and Pakistan? -- Robert Haddick, Foreign Policy
Oil and Water in the South China Sea -- Daniel McGroarty, Real Clear World
China's Blue-Water Ambitions -- Kailash K. Prasad, National Interest
Abuses in China ensure that democracy will come -- Hu Jia, Washington Post
The Coffin-Maker Benchmark in Africa -- Nicholas D. Kristof, New York Times
Mr. Putin tightens the screws -- Washington Post editorial
Is Norway's EU example really an option for Britain? -- Harriet Alexander, The Telegraph
Why Greeks know more about politics than Americans: It pays. -- Justin Moyer, Washington Post
America the Absent: Why is the U.S. afraid to lead the global economic recovery? -- Kati Suominen, Foreign Policy
Eastern space politics meets Western space business -- Ian O'Neill, Al Jazeera