Israel Worried By Jones Proposal For Int’l Force In W. Bank -- Jerusalem Post
American proposal to establish a multi-national force in the West Bank could be way to expedite a withdrawal following any peace deal with PA.
Israel is concerned about an American proposal to establish a multi-national force in the West Bank as one of the ways to expedite an Israeli withdrawal following any peace deal with the Palestinian Authority.
The idea is being promoted by US National Security Advisor James Jones, who served as security coordinator to the West Bank under former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice.
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My Comment: On paper this sounds like a good idea. But when one looks at Southern Lebanon and on how the UN has failed in keeping back Hezbollah fighters and arms depots from the Israeli-Lebanese border .... I am very skeptical that the same would not happen in the West bank. In short .... instead of Hezbollah you will have Hamas or some other extremist group in control, and pity the 500,000 Jewish settlers who now call the West Bank home.
A slow-go approach is preferable .... but even that will have few if any takers. The Palestinians on the West bank are frustrated with the Israeli presence, and I am sure they want them gone ASAP.