We lost because of the invasion and expansionist desires of our enemy...[Read]Maybe this explains why Calderon is so hot on disarming us while the soft expansionist invasion continues.
No, I'm not suggesting his government--or those who vie for control of it--would do anything overtly beyond the small skirmishes we've seen. Yet. It's the covert stuff that we need to keep our eye on--especially the stuff where they're tag-teaming with our domestic enemy politicians.
Speaking of them, I see "Give 'em Infierno Harry" is having a DREAM that sounds more like a nightmare. See, you don't need to bring foreign troops on U.S. soil if those foreign troops are American troops...
Not to paint with too broad a brush, because I know there are many foreign born who have served the cause of defending the Republic with honor and distinction, some making the ultimate sacrifice, but we can't ignore the cynical manipulators behind this latest gambit--and what they stand to gain with their own expansionist desires.
We can't be afraid to speculate on what level of understanding those raised in more authoritarian regimes have for the concept of individual sovereignty, and whether or not such a group would be more or less likely to obey certain orders without considering that.