Attack Dog Again Crosses Red Line -- Greg Sheridan, The Australian
CHINA must restrain North Korea, but only the US can deal with it, and Iran, decisively.
NORTH Korea is proving itself the mad dog of international relations. With its unprovoked artillery fire on a South Korean island near the two nations' maritime border, it is flouting every single rule of international behaviour. It runs on a long leash from Beijing. The North Korean regime could not survive without the supplies and economic support that China routinely gives it. For the moment, Beijing is affording North Korea a very long leash indeed.
The attacks point up five stark realities for security in north Asia.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
North Korea Will Never Play Nice -- B.R. Myers, New York Times
Q+A: Why are U.S.-South Korea drills so sensitive? -- Reuters
Nuclear blinders -- L.A. Times editorial
The Sixty Years War -- Stephen Hayes, Weekly Standard
North Korea requires joint action – with China -- Politico
Q+A: Can and will China bring North Korea to heel? -- Reuters
China Shops at Pottery Barn -- Douglas H. Paal, National Interest
The Cold War Origin of Asia's Troubled Waters -- Andy Yee, Asia Sentinel
Bombing Iran Would Save Obama's Presidency -- Michael Freund, Jerusalem Post
Is This Really the End for Ahmadinejad? -- Jamsheed K. Choksy, Foreign Policy
A Post-Modern War in Central America -- Frida Ghitis, World Politics Review
TSA Scanners vs. Profiling Redux -- Max Boot, Commentary Magazine
More Guns, Less Butter -- John R. Guardiano, American Spectator
Be Thankful for Our Heroes -- Bob Weir, American Thinker
Lincoln at Thanksgiving -- Roger Kaplan, American Spectator