Has WikiLeaks Finally Gone Too Far? -- Blake Hounshell, Foreign Policy
Roy Greenslade, a journalism professor and commentator for the Guardian, castigates British editors for their critical coverage of WikiLeaks, the self-proclaimed whistleblower site that is about to release some 250,000 U.S. diplomatic cables into the wild:
Aren't we in the job of ferreting out secrets so that our readers - the voters - can know what their elected governments are doing in their name? Isn't it therefore better that we can, at last, get at them?
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Where in the World Is Julian Assange? -- Deborah Hastings, Aol News
WikiLeaks: Do they have a right to privacy? -- Malcolm Rifkind, The Telegraph
Attack by WikiLeaks: Assange is an enemy of the U.S., but the U.S. keeps too many secrets. -- Wall Street Journal editorial
WikiLeaks and the Diplomats -- New York Times editoral
Digital security problem is bigger than Assange and PFC Manning -- Robert Haddick, Small Wars Journal
Beijing's Pyongyang fatigue -- Charles Homans, Foreign Policy
Analyst View N.Korea's diplomatic gesture and "rational policy" -- Reuters
S. Korea's Fine Line: Talk Tough, Keep Finger Off Trigger -- Time Magazine
Consequences on the Korean Peninsula -- Rep. Ed Royce, The Washington Times
Hitting the North -- Sung-Yoon Lee, L.A. Times
Taliban Imposter: The U.S. Doesn't Know Its Enemy -- Robert Baer, Time Magazine
Is the Mossad Targeting Iran's Nuclear Scientists? -- Time Magazine
Spooking the Terrorists—and Ourselves -- Christopher Dickey, Newsweek
A Little Perspective on Stuxnet -- J. E. Dyer, Commentary Magazine
Tough Times for a Superpower -- Eugene Robinson, Real Clear Politics