Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year? -- Time Magazine
Take a look at this year's candidates (listed in alphabetical order) and give them your rating — though TIME's editors who choose the actual Person of the Year reserve the right to disagree
Just as only Richard Nixon could go to China, only Robert Gates could propose massive cuts to the U.S. Defense budget. As the former head of the CIA and the only member of George W. Bush's Cabinet to be kept on by President Obama, the current Secretary of Defense has proved his conservative bona fides many times over. Gates' proposed cuts — which involve trimming officers' ranks, scrapping costly conventional-warfare projects like the F-22 and eliminating the Joint Forces Command — have been unpopular with Pentagon brass and many politicians on both sides of the aisle, and it's far from certain how many of them will actually get done.
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My Comment: 20 years ago "Time's Person of the Year" was a newsworthy item that caught everyone's attention (including mine). Today .... only a few care on who Time Magazine may put on their cover for "Person of the Year" .... and in my case .... I could care less.
Update: Based on early reports, Time’s Person of the Year sure to be awful -- Mark Hemingway, Washington Examiner