'Baby Doc' Duvalier Charged With Corruption In Haiti -- The Guardian
Former dictator faces charges relating to his 15-year rule after being hauled before a judge in Port-au Prince
Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier was charged with corruption and the theft of his country's meagre funds last night after the former Haitian dictator was hauled before a judge in Port-au-Prince
Two days after his return to the country he left following a brutal 15-year rule, a noisy crowd of his supporters protested outside the state prosecutor's office while he was questioned over accusations that he stole public funds and committed human rights abuses after taking over as president from his father in 1971.
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More News On 'Baby Doc' Duvalier Being Charged With Corruption In Haiti
Duvalier faces possible trial in Haiti -- Yahoo News/AP
Haiti charges returned ex-dictator Duvalier -- Yahoo News/Reuters
Haiti ex-dictator 'Baby Doc' charged with corruption -- Yahoo News/AFP
Ex-dictator Duvalier faces possible trial in Haiti -- CTV
Duvalier faces possible trial in Haiti; judge to decide his fate -- Canadian Press
Duvalier is brought before Haitian court -- Washington Post
Jean-Claude Duvalier charged with theft over 15-year rule -- BBC
Haiti's ex-dictator Duvalier charged with corruption -- Global News
Jean-Claude Duvalier's turbulent years in exile -- The Guardian
Baby Doc Gets Charged, But Duvalierism Remains Alive in Haiti -- Time Magazine
Haiti 25 years on from Baby Doc Duvalier -- The Telegraph
A still-reeling Haiti doesn't need Baby Doc in its midst -- Washington Post editorial
A monster returns to Haiti -- Michael Deibert, CNN
A chronology of ex-Haitian dictator 'Baby Doc' Duvalier -- Canadian Press