From "Resolutions Submitted to the Idaho Republican Party State Central Committee":
I guess now, according to the rules, the State Chairman will read it to the body, move for its adoption and preside over debate? There's a lot of education potential here. Be nice to see this pass and other states follow suit.
Resolution 2011-23Here's the Resolutions Committee.
Nullification of Federal Gun Control Act 1968 Resolution
Submitted by Mark Patterson, Chairman District 15, Lucas Baumbach, Chairman District 17
Whereas, the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution is the law of the land for firearms and firearm ownership, directly contrary to “gun control” law.
Whereas, the Gun Control Act of 1968 created a burdensome regulating agency, the ATF, the mandate of which, is to control guns, especially by mandating registration of firearms by manufacturers,
Whereas, the NAZI Weapons Laws of 1938 are very similar in scope and aim to the U. S. Gun Control Act of 1968 (Aaron Zelman’s Gun Control: Gateway to Tyranny)
Therefore be it resolved, that the Idaho Republican Party supports the primary and residual effects of the Gun Control Act of 1968 be nullified by the legislature and executive of the State of Idaho.
Be it further resolved, that the Idaho Republican Party agrees the Gun Control Act of 1968 is clearly superseded by both the Idaho Constitution’s prohibition of firearm registration and the Federal Constitution’s declaration of the right to bear arms.
Be it further resolved, that the Idaho Republican Party supports Idaho condemnation of the policies that enabled the murders of millions of Jews, Gypsies, religious and political dissidents by removing their ability to defend themselves.
I guess now, according to the rules, the State Chairman will read it to the body, move for its adoption and preside over debate? There's a lot of education potential here. Be nice to see this pass and other states follow suit.