Foreign Policy as Wishful Thinking -- Bruce Thornton, Advancing A Free Society
The current military intervention in Libya by the West has been marketed with the claim that its purpose, as French President Sarkozy put it, is “to protect the civilian population from the murderous madness of a regime that has forfeited all claim to legitimacy.” Behind this humanitarian idealism, however, lurk a host of questions and dangers, reflecting wishful thinking rather than a prudent foreign policy.
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My Comment: I have no idea on why we are in Libya. I have yet to hear one person articulate a clear and concise reason on why we are getting ourselves involved in what is essentially a tribal civil war in a Muslim country. If someone out there has a link to a blog post or commentary that articulates such a position, please feel free to put it in the comments section. I would love to read and post it if that is the case.