Washington (CNN) -- Under current conditions, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi appears likely to survive the revolt against him because of superior equipment, the head of the U.S. intelligence community told Congress in a blunt assessment Thursday.
National Intelligence Director James Clapper's appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee came as officials in Washington, Europe and the Middle East are debating whether to aid rebel forces in Libya's civil war. Clapper said the rebels are "in for a tough row" against Gadhafi, whose forces are now moving to retake territory lost since the uprising began in mid-February.
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Intel chief: Qaddafi "will prevail" over rebels -- CBS News
Moammar Gadhafi Will Prevail in Libya if Stalemate Drags On, Intel Director Says -- ABC News
James Clapper says Libya's Muammar Gaddafi will prevail -- BBC
US says better-equipped Gaddafi forces may prevail -- Reuters
U.S. Intelligence Chief Says Qaddafi Has Edge in Conflict -- New York Times
Kadafi victory or stalemate likely in Libya, a top U.S. official says --
National Intelligence Director James Clapper's appearance before the Senate Armed Services Committee came as officials in Washington, Europe and the Middle East are debating whether to aid rebel forces in Libya's civil war. Clapper said the rebels are "in for a tough row" against Gadhafi, whose forces are now moving to retake territory lost since the uprising began in mid-February.
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More News ON U.S. Intelligence And Their Assessment Of The Libyan Civil War
Intel chief: Qaddafi "will prevail" over rebels -- CBS News
Moammar Gadhafi Will Prevail in Libya if Stalemate Drags On, Intel Director Says -- ABC News
James Clapper says Libya's Muammar Gaddafi will prevail -- BBC
US says better-equipped Gaddafi forces may prevail -- Reuters
U.S. Intelligence Chief Says Qaddafi Has Edge in Conflict -- New York Times
Kadafi victory or stalemate likely in Libya, a top U.S. official says --
More News ON U.S. Intelligence And Their Assessment Of The Libyan Civil War
Intel chief: Qaddafi "will prevail" over rebels -- CBS News
Moammar Gadhafi Will Prevail in Libya if Stalemate Drags On, Intel Director Says -- ABC News
James Clapper says Libya's Muammar Gaddafi will prevail -- BBC
US says better-equipped Gaddafi forces may prevail -- Reuters
U.S. Intelligence Chief Says Qaddafi Has Edge in Conflict -- New York Times
Kadafi victory or stalemate likely in Libya, a top U.S. official says -- Baltimore Sun
Kadafi victory or stalemate likely in Libya, a top U.S. official says -- L.A. Times
James R. Clapper says Gaddafi likely to win as France recognizes Libyan opposition -- Washington Post