Japan's Military Rises To The Test In Crisis Hit Japan

Japan's Crisis Bolsters Its Military -- Wall Street Journal

Dozens of soldiers in camouflage and olive drab helmets now scour the debris-strewn outskirts of Rikuzentakata in search for victims from Japan's recent quake and tsunami. Military helicopters hover offshore, looking for bodies in the waves, while soldiers offer water—and even wash victims' clothes—in nearby shelters.

The efforts are part of Japan's largest military mission since World War II, with roughly 106,000 of its 240,000 soldiers rendering aid.

The stakes for Japan's military are high: If the mission is seen as a success, as it has been for the most part so far, it could lead to wider acceptance of a more-active military at a time when it is eyeing an increasingly visible international role. If it fails, with delays in reconstruction or other problems, it could dent the military's reputation.

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My Comment: I have the utmost confidence that the Japanese military will rise to the occasion. A special acknowledgement should also be given to U.S. soldiers in Japan .... they have also risen successfully to the challenge in rendering aid to the Japanese in their time of need.

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