Evidence At Bin Laden’s Home Raises Nuclear Concerns -- Washington Times
Pakistani government links suspected.
Intelligence analysts are sifting through phone numbers and email addresses found at Osama bin Laden’s compound to determine potential links to Pakistani government and military officials while U.S. officials and analysts raise concerns about the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear materials.
According to three U.S. intelligence officials, the race is on to identify what President Obama’s top counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, has called bin Laden’s “support system” inside Pakistan. These sources sought anonymity because they are not authorized to speak to reporters.
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My Comment: In order for Bin Laden to live in Pakistan, he had to have a support structure in place that would pay his bills, educate his children, take care of his wives and the families of his associates ..... altogether not a small undertaking, and one that would require enormous resources and assets to make it possible and to make it work year after year.
For the moment the US is saying that there is no evidence linking Pakistani officials to Bin Laden. But .... if the phone numbers and documents retrieved from Bin Laden's compound eventually reveal a Pakistani military/ISI/government link .... I would then be very concern .... even more so if these officials and individuals have links/contacts/responsibilities in safe-guarding Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
Update: Signs Point to Pakistan Link -- Wall Street Journal
Update: Richard Fernandez at Pajamas media talks about the consequences that will befall Pakistan if it continues current policies and actions.