Was Bin Laden In An ISI “Safehouse”? -- HotAir
Lots of bits and pieces coming out about the raid.
This was a targeted kill mission, not just a raid. They didn’t go in to capture bin Laden, they went in to kill him. And they did. It is reported he got the classic “double tap” to the left side of the head. Now he’s fish food. Appropriate. But … it also kills this “justice” nonsense in the legal sense. Legally, that’s not how we dispense justice. So, as some have said, and I agree, this removes the actions he was killed for from the “criminal” realm.
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Previous Post: Was Pakistan Protecting Osama Bin Laden?
My Comment: More interesting speculation on Pakistan`s role in this safe house, and on why Osama Bin laden was killed. What I find interesting is that he lived there for 5-6 years.