ICC: Evidence Shows That Qaddafi Ordered Rape Of Hundreds -- Christian Science Monitor
The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor said Wednesday that there is evidence that Qaddafi ordered the rape of Libyan women and supplied troops with male potency drugs.
The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor says there is evidence that Libyan leader Col. Muammar Qaddafi ordered the rape of hundreds of women to spread fear of his regime and curb dissent.
ICC Chief Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo also said there is evidence that Colonel Qaddafi may have distributed Viagra-type drugs to his troops "to enhance the possibility to rape."
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More News On Allegations That Gadaffi Ordered The Use Of Rape As A Weapon Of War
Evidence emerging of use of rape as tool of war in Libya – ICC prosecutor -- UN News Centre
Kadhafi 'ordered mass rapes' in Libya: ICC -- AFP
Gaddafi ordered mass rape as a weapon, International Criminal Court claims -- The Telegraph
Gadhafi Regime May Be Using Rape As A Weapon, Prosecutor Says -- NPR
Gaddafi 'ordered rape of women' -- Sydney Morning Herald
Gaddafi accused of using rape as weapon -- BBC
Gaddafi could face ICC charges he used rape to punish rebels -- Mirror.co.uk
Gaddafi gives troops Viagra for mass rapes -- The Sun
Libya denies human rights abuses -- Belfast Telegraph
Gadhafi regime denies charges of Libyan war crimes -- AP
Libyan government rejects war crimes charges -- Swiss Info
Libya mass rape claims: using Viagra would be a horrific first -- The Guardian
Analysis: Gaddafi's Rape Weapon -- Al Jazeera
Gaddafi accused of assisting rapists with pills and condoms -- Matt Gurney, National Post