Libya Militias Taking Law Into Own Hands -- Christian Science Monitor
Many of the fighters that pushed Muammar Qaddafi from power have refused to stand down. Now, some of Libya militias are allegedly stealing and targeting Qaddafi supporters for revenge.
How do you ask a group of armed men if the rumors that they’re a gang of ordinary thieves are true? You begin with a joke.
“Is it true that you guys stole an elephant from the Tripoli zoo, took it back to Zintan, and mounted an antiaircraft gun on its back?”
Mohamed Kor, a stern, bearded commander of the Zintan Brigade, can’t help but chuckle.
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My Comment: Libya's premier is blunt in his assessment and concerns .... in short .... it's going to take months, and the new Libyan government is not in the position to use force in enforcing their rule of law.