Ending The Yemen Bloodshed -- Francis Matthew, Gulf News
A long-term political solution needs to take into account southern ambitions and the aspirations of the youth
There has been a genuine Arab Spring in Yemen as thousands of young people took to the streets over the past two months, but they have lost the initiative to established power groups. The way forward now does not look like being an interim government based on a popular movement, but more of a transfer to tribal or military leaders, and even that is looking less likely as civil war looms.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Yemen's President Saleh is ruling on borrowed time -- Khaled Fattah, The Guardian
To Save Yemen: With the right diplomatic approach, the situation in Yemen can be salvaged. -- Edmund J. Hull, Foreign Policy
Iran: Rational and dangerous -- Emily B. Landau, Haaretz
Iran and the Bomb: An Update -- Jeremy Bernstein, New York Review Of Books
Egypt and the Arab fall -- David Schenker, L.A. Times
The real Egyptian revolution -- Caroline B. Glick, Jewish World Review
Obama’s commitment to Israel -- Washington Post editorial
Zakaria: Obama "being too soft on Syria" -- CNN Interview
China's Google Hacks And Ours -- IBD Editorials
When Will China’s Economy Overtake America’s? -- Yao Yang, Project Syndicate
Escaping the Clutches of the Financial Markets -- Dirk Kurbjuweit, Spiegel Online