Taking a Risk With Taliban Negotiations, Even if the Talks Are Real This Time -- New York Times
WASHINGTON — President Obama’s strategy for gradually ending the war in Afghanistan relies heavily on peace talks with the Taliban. But those talks have hardly begun, and even some administration officials acknowledge that the odds of success are slim.
Among the many reasons: It is not clear that the Taliban want to negotiate, or who even represents the organization. The Afghan president has distanced himself from the talks, raising doubts about whether the country’s leaders would be open to a reprise of Taliban involvement in the political process.
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My Comment: The Mujaheddin had zero interest to seriously talk with the Soviets when they were at war in the 1980s .... the Taliban will also have zero interest to talk to the Americans and NATO in this war. Our Afghan allies know this .... with even Afghan President Karzai distancing himself away from these talks. So what are our choices in Afghanistan .... from my vantage point .... not much .... but then again .... I am someone who has been vocal in running away from Afghanistan since 2008.