US General McChrystal Approved Peace Talks With Fake Taliban Leader -- The Guardian
• American Nato commander asked MI6 to develop contacts
• News contradicts Hamid Karzai's attempt to put blame on UK
Peace talks with an impostor posing as a Taliban leader, which led to a meeting with Hamid Karzai in Kabul and thousands of dollars in "goodwill payments", were started by the Afghan government and approved by the former American commander, Stanley McChrystal, the Guardian has learned.
This account sharply contradicts claims made by the Afghan presidency, which has put the entire blame on the British government, apparently supported privately by US officials.
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More News On Who Started Talks With A Fake Taliban Leader
Karzai's aide: UK 'to blame' for Taliban impostor -- Yahoo News/AP
MI6 'promoted Taliban impostor' -- Yahoo News/AFP
Karzai aide blames British for Taliban impostor -- BBC
Impostor deepens confusion over Afghan peace "talks" -- Yahoo News/Reuters
MI6 'blamed for Taliban impostor' -- The Telegraph
MI6 red-faced over deal with Taliban impostor -- The Australian
Afghan "peace talks" impostor paid by MI6-report -- Reuters
Britain Keeps Silent on Afghan Impostor Claim -- New York Times
MI6 promoted Taliban impostor: report -- AFP
US 'blames Britain' for fake Taliban leader fiasco -- The Guardian
British faulted for Taliban impostor -- Washington Post
UK's MI6 'paid Taliban impostor' -- Al Jazeera
Duping of MI6 reveals Afghan coalition flaws -- BBC
Taliban impostor — consequences and rebuttals -- Daily Times
My Comment: The best comment that I have heard on who to blame for this disaster comes from Bill Harris,Former US representative in Kandahar province ....
"Something this stupid generally requires teamwork"