U.S. Counter-Terrorism Strategy To Rely On Surgical Strikes, Unmanned Drones -- L.A. Times
The Obama administration has concluded in a newly released counter-terrorism strategy that precision strikes and raids, rather than large land wars, are the most effective way to defeat Al Qaeda.
“Al Qaeda seeks to bleed us financially by drawing us into long, costly wars that also inflame anti-American sentiment,” John Brennan, President Obama’s counter-terrorism advisor, said in a speech Wednesday unveiling the new strategy. “Going forward, we will be mindful that if our nation is threatened, our best offense won’t always be deploying large armies abroad but delivering targeted, surgical pressure to the groups that threaten us.”
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More News On America's New Counter-terrorism Strategy Against Groups Like Al Qaeda
Fact Sheet: National Strategy for Counterterrorism -- White House
Brennan Reveals Newly Focused Counterterrorism Strategy -- FOX News
White House Releases New Counterterrorism Strategy -- National Journal
US unveils new counterterrorism strategy: three key parts -- Christian Science Monitor
New Counterterrorism Strategy Unveiled By White House Official -- Huffington Post
Brennan: Counterterrorism strategy focused on al-Qaeda’s threat to homeland -- Washington Post
U.S. strategy focuses on al-Qaida, homegrown terrorists -- Xinhuanet
US refocuses on home-grown terror threat -- AFP
Obama Counterterrorism Strategy Focuses on Threat ‘From Within’ -- Bloomberg
U.S. anti-terror strategy targets peril from within -- Washington Times
White House aims to disrupt al Qaeda online -- NextGov
Al Qaeda Remains Top Threat to U.S. -- Wall Street Journal
White House: al-Qaida Is Toast (As Long As These Shadow Wars Last Forever) -- Spencer Ackerman, Danger Room