F-35 Fighter: Price Goes Up $771 Million on Most Expensive Defense Program -- ABC News
The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program -- already the most expensive defense acquisition program in U.S. history -- just got even more costly, to the tune of $771 million.
The Pentagon informed the Senate Armed Services Committee Monday that the first 28 production models of the F-35, some of the world's most technologically advanced fighters developed by defense contracting giant Lockheed Martin, were going to cost the additional three quarters of a $1 billion, and the government will be picking up part of the tab.
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Early F-35 costs increase $771M, Lockheed says -- DoD Buzz
Lockheed adds $771 million to early F-35 production bills -- Flight Global
Pentagon tells Congress of new $771 million F-35 cost spike -- The Hill
Lockheed overruns on early F-35s put at US$771
The Pentagon informed the Senate Armed Services Committee Monday that the first 28 production models of the F-35, some of the world's most technologically advanced fighters developed by defense contracting giant Lockheed Martin, were going to cost the additional three quarters of a $1 billion, and the government will be picking up part of the tab.
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More News On The F-35
Early F-35 costs increase $771M, Lockheed says -- DoD Buzz
Lockheed adds $771 million to early F-35 production bills -- Flight Global
Pentagon tells Congress of new $771 million F-35 cost spike -- The Hill
Lockheed overruns on early F-35s put at US$771
More News On The F-35
Early F-35 costs increase $771M, Lockheed says -- DoD Buzz
Lockheed adds $771 million to early F-35 production bills -- Flight Global
Pentagon tells Congress of new $771 million F-35 cost spike -- The Hill
Lockheed overruns on early F-35s put at US$771 million -- Defence Web
Lockheed overruns on early F-35s said to total $771 mln -- Reuters
Dogfighting on Twitter Over the F-35 -- Wall Street Journal
The last manned fighter -- The Economist